Frequently Asked Questions
What is REIKI ?
REIKI is a Japanese word. It means “UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY”. We believe that REIKI is a divine Life Force Energy, which constitutes the entire Universe. It exists in each living cell, inside every atom of every element and also in every quantum of energy. REIKI is the omnipotent and omnipresent power influencing all our activities, thoughts and emotions. REIKI is the divine energy behind all our physical, mental and worldly consciousness. Different religions have given different names to this REIKI energy. What the Hindus call “Prana” or “Brahma” may well be another name of REIKI.
From the moment of birth, we are completely submerged in this ocean of divine REIKI, but we are unaware of it. Just as we are submerged in a huge ocean of air, but we do not see it…just as the fishes deep inside the ocean are not conscious of the existence of water, REIKI energy exists in & all around our body, mind and consciousness --- invisible, but ever present…everywhere. REIKI is the eternal power that drives all our physical, intellectual, spiritual and materialistic activities.
How can we possibly make such an enormous Energy work for us ?
There is a magical initiation imparted during REIKI Training by the REIKI Guru, called “Attunement”, through which this REIKI power is channelised through our human body. In other words, a competent REIKI Guru CONNECTS our physical, mental and spiritual bodies forever to REIKI … just like tuning a radio or a television set to the exact frequency of a specific channel. Immediately after the REIKI Guru attunes the student, the divine REIKI power starts flowing into his/her body through the top of the head, down the four highest Chakras and then flows out with abundance from the heart, via the shoulders, out of the two palms of the attuned student. This is the path of divine REIKI through our body. It heals, cleans, protects and energises us. It is all powerful and infinite.
Remember, REIKI is always flowing through us --- from the moment of our birth till we breathe our last. Don’t we put our hand instinctively on the part of the body (of ourselves or of our loved ones) which gets hurt or is in pain? Does it not give some relief immediately? However, this flow is very feeble --- like the weak un-tuned reception of a distant radio or TV station. It is insufficient to be used for healing ourselves and others.
Is the REIKI Attunement done by a REIKI Guru permanent?
Yes, an Attunement is permanent, but only if it is done by a competent REIKI Guru in a proper manner. However, REIKI Attunement is only the beginning of a process, and not a magic wand. The student must be taught ALL the methods of applying REIKI for healing of himself and others. And he must “charge” himself regularly with REIKI and apply it all around. Otherwise, the flow of REIKI power within his body will gradually weaken. But it will never die out. It can be strengthened and rejuvenated by proper guidance of a proper REIKI Guru.
What is special about MY REIKI Classes and MY REIKI Trainings?
REIKI is my passion. But in Kolkata, there are many REIKI teachers, who are too professional. Their REIKI Classes in and around Kolkata do not always impart proper attunements and/or deep-rooted REIKI Training to the students. Often, large numbers of students are taught at a time in a very casual manner. As a result, these students suffer from inadequate knowledge and insufficient expertise. They are unable to heal themselves or others, get frustrated, and lose faith on themselves and on REIKI power. These “large group” students generally do not receive any personalised attention/instructions (during or AFTER the Training Classes) and their relevant questions are discouraged, rebuffed, side-tracked or just ignored. Even their contacts with one another within the group are generally restricted --- so that they are unable to share their negative experiences amongst themselves. Some such classes are held in cramped school-rooms with meagre facilities, where even food and drinking water are in short supply.
REIKI is my passion. I am a REIKI Grandmaster --- a full-fledged REIKI Guru, who imparts 100% REIKI Training in Traditional REIKI. My REIKI Lineage shows that I am privileged to be only a few steps down the line from our illustrious Great Guru, Dr. Mikao Usui, who re-discovered the art & science of REIKI for the benefit of the entire World. I give REIKI Training and hold REIKI Classes only at a single place in Kolkata. I teach pure REIKI, without any dilution, gimmicks, abridgement or compromise, to small groups of interested students from within and outside Kolkata. On the very first day of my REIKI Training (1st Degree), I prove and demonstrate, to each and every student that the power of REIKI is flowing through him/her AND that he/she is able to actually APPLY it for healing by Touch and ALSO FROM A DISTANCE. There is a common misconception supported by many REIKI Teachers in Kolkata that no one can send healing by Distant REIKI until they complete 2nd Degree REIKI Trining. This is why most REIKI Teachers in Kolkata insist that their students should take their 2nd Degree REIKI soon after they complete their 1st Degree REIKI, so that they can apply Distant REIKI. But the processes and procedures taught to me by my illustrious Gurus have empowered me to enable my students to heal by Distant REIKI during their 1st Degree REIKI Training itself. As a result, I do not have to teach REIKI in packages. My 1st Degree REIKI Training Class empowers a fresh student to apply REIKI Healing BY TOUCH and FROM ANY DISTANCE (Distant REKI) for healing himself and others. However, if, after my 1st Degree REIKI Training, he applies his healing powers successfully for some period, he may come back to me for increasing his REIKI powers through higher REIKI degrees.
I have full sympathy for the thousands of frustrated REIKI students, who have taken expensive REIKI Trainings, attended REIKI Classes in or around Kolkata, but are unable to use this divine power effectively. I offer special discount to them for taking PROPER REIKI Training from me.
I welcome ALL to obtain authentic REIKI Training from me in Kolkata and to discover the WONDERFUL WORLD OF DIVINE REIKI.
Healing with Angels
Angels can help us to heal and to resolve our various problems. Angels Healing Therapy is the process which teaches us how to obtain the help of Angels for such purposes.
Angels are Divine beings, who are engaged by God to guide all of us to pursue the divine path for our own peace, abundance and prosperity. We all have our freedom of thought and action. Angels respect these. They are not supposed to interfere in our thoughts or actions. But, in cases of need or necessity, we can pray to them and seek their help to assist us and to solve our problems.
The most powerful amongst the Angels are the Archangels. Each of them is empowered by God to assist Him in certain tasks, functions and activities. As such, each of them has some special abilities, attributes and powers. If we can CONNECT with them and seek their help, they can and do help us.
Angels Healing Therapy is the science and art of establishing contact with the Archangels and to obtain their help. We must have a thorough knowledge of the special powers and abilities of each Archangel, so that we may pray for the help of the correct Archangel in appropriate areas and under appropriate circumstances. If we follow this rule, help is available from the Archangels with great speed and effect.
Till recently, Angel Training in Kolkata was deemed a “glamour product” and exorbitant high charges were extracted by the Angel Teachers. However, this anomaly has eased out now and the fees have come down to normal. But I observe that many Angel Teachers in Kolkata are making short cuts in Angel Training, which are reducing the effectiveness of this powerful & effective Healing Technique. Moreover, the reading materials supplied by most of the Angel Teachers of Kolkata are inadequate or complicated for proper Angel Training. The processes and practices associated with Angel Training, in most cases, are not properly explained by the Angel Teachers of Kolkata. The basic fallacy lies in the rude fact that these most of these so called “Angel Masters” have been trained by other so called Angel Masters, who themselves were unable to obtain comprehensive Angel Training from their “Angel Masters” in Kolkata.
I mastered Angels Healing Therapy and structured my Angel Training Programme into a compact, interesting and practicable process. As an Angel Guru, my task is to provide solid training to all the students, supplemented by excellent reading materials in the language they understand. This is supplemented by thorough explanation of all the associated techniques and processes of Healing with Angels and deep guided meditations to perceive the characters & attributes of the most important Archangels . Like REIKI Training, Angel Training also involves Attunements with the Archangels, mystique symbols and procedures for Distant Healing of body, mind and problems, with the assistance of the Angels.
The success of an Angel Guru can be measured best by the successes of his/her students. I am more than satisfied with the great enthusiasm, involved participation and magical success stories of my students in Kolkata, who took Angel Training from me over the past several months.